
 The Program is aimed at:
- timely revealing, prophilactic medical examination and prevention of complications of idiopathic dilated and hypertrophic cardiomyopathies, including cases with family history of the disease;
- prevention of viral myocarditis (VM), study of so called “cardiotropic” and “hepatotropic” viruses and their mixed infections (both separate and co-existing forms), and their effect on VM formation and transformation into dilated cardiomyopathy; 
- the use of modern tests and high technologies to study idiopathic and secondary cardiomyopathies: hypertrophic, dilated and VM, their diagnostic verification and evaluation of various spectrum of heart insufficiency syndrom; 
- prevention, differenciated approach to treatment, and implementation of modern therapeutic approaches to mentioned above pathologies and their complications (including heart insufficiency), in specialized hospitals and outpatients clinics, throughout the country, using continuous health care professional education and post-graduate training;
- establishing contacts with leading cardiologic canters of the world; 
- working out of joint programs of knowledge and specialist exchange; 
- foundation of regular annual workshops and conferences, and of the International Society of Cardiomyopathy; 
- establishing strong ties with Cardiomyopathy Centers and Associations from different countries through working out unified research programs; 
- evaluating the severity of the disease course and its prognosis (including possible complications); 
- special attention to be paid to distruction of the immune system and degrading shifts, including low “immune-competency” of red blood cells (changes in red-blood cell membranes on the background of decrease in O2  transportation - one of its main functions), at the expense of the increase of so called spherocytous forms; 
- revealing of microrheologic, morphofunctional and
ζ-potential disorders, and related microelement and vitamin metabolizm changes.
Special attention will be paid to symptoms relatively tipical for brain diffuse changes – decrease in the restoration and adaptation ability. Often, neurologic symptoms are already present in such patients, before cardiologic ones are manifested (e.g. pronounced symptoms of heart insufficiency), this fact indicates, that there is strong relation between mentioned pathologies. We think, that local, complete or incomplete demyelinization and hypodynamic or ischemic disorders of brain and cardial afferent system together with everything mentioned above contribute to progression of diffused changes in brain (diffused atrophic changes in brain substance) and manifestation of tipical neurologic symptoms. Cardiotropic and hepatotropic virus combination leads to manifestation of encephalopathy symptoms in rather short time (3-6 mnth), creating diseased circle, where 40% of cases end in patient’s death.
Unfortunately symptomatic intervention at this stage gives only slight and temporary improve in the general condition. On the background of deeper and more serious changes occuring in the brain, therapy used, has no positive effect on the regression of the disease, and, what is more important, on the mortality prognosis, thus is not able to distruct the diseased circle. If ignored, this condition, we believe, causes serious pathologic changes in transplanted heart (while no autoimmune incompatability is present) some time after heart transplantation was performed. This may be the result of the formation of the second diseased circle, that is formed in the presence of immune system distraction and degeneration, that already existed before heart transplantation. This idea is reflected on the logo of our Society.