
Thrombolytic Therapy of acute Miocardial Infarction in Elderly Patients

N. Emukhvari,  E. Tsetskhladze
Tbilisi State Medical Universitety, Clinic  N1

181 Patients with first acute myocardial infarction were admitted to thrombolytic therapy with streptocinase. In group I age of 64 patients was 36-65 years, in group II of 69 patients was 66-75 years and in III group 25 patients exceeded 76 years (76-85 years). Rate of early angina and reinfarction was higher in groups I and II compared with group III.   Rate of acute heart failure among patients older than 76 years was higher, than in younger patients of groups I and II. 30 Day mortality among patients over 76 ears of age was higher in both groups especially in group I.

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