
Clinical Manifestation of Neurological Complications in Patients with Cardiomyopathy

M. Rogava, M. Orjonikidze
National Center of Therapy


This study observes 203 patients with cardiomyopathy disease from 15 to 67 years, who underwent routine examination, ultrasonography, serologic tests, brain computer tomography, Khomskaya's neuropsychological examination and Minesota "Life without heart failure test".

In all age groups next complication were found: 1. Neuropathy - a. 16-39 yrs old- 28%; b. 39-60 yrs old - 74%; c. >60 yrs old - 97%. 2. Embolic stroke - a. 16-39 yrs old - 21%; b. 39-60 yrs old - 35%; c. >60 yrs old - 62%. 3. Encephalopathy - a. 16-39 yrs old - 34%; b. 39-60 yrs old - 76%; c. >60 yrs old - 100%.

All patients with Encephalopathyhad different neurolopsychological changes and quality of life were different (not identical). The manifestation of neuropsychological changes occurred much earlier and were more obviously expressed.

Our experience demonstrates, that stealing start of the disease without any obvious neurologic complaints or in the matter of its ignore makes difficult early clinical fixation of the deep and specific neuropsychologic changes, that interferes of the vicious circle and formation of the main disease complication, especially at the background of autoimmunological processes.

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