
Efficacy of Solcoseril in Combination with Basic Therapy and Intravenous Helium-Neon Laser Treatment in Patients with Cardio- and Hepatotropic Viral Infections

M. Rogava, T. Tavkhelidze, A. Choladze, T. Bochorishvili, L. Koblianidze
National Center of Therapy

Totally 38 patients (32 males/6 femails; mean age 35 yrs) with viral myocarditis and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), who had heart failure (HF) (NYHA III-IV), were supervised for a 2 yrs period. Patients were devided into 2 groups: Gr.1 - patients with DCM (n=20); Group II - patients with mixed infections (n=18). In the patients of the latter group, beside routine clinical and laboratory investigations, serologic tests to reveal antibodies to cardio- and hepatotropic viruses were performed. In 24 cases a positive reaction to cardiotropic viruses was observed; nearly all of them were Coxsackie B-positive and 11 patients were Adenovirus-positive. In 9 cases mixed-infections, with cardio- and hepatotropic viruses were revealed (3 cases - C hepatitis, 5 cases - B+C hepatitis, 1 case - D hepatitis, 7 cases - Coxsackie B, 2 cases - Coxsackie C and 1 case - Cytomegalovirus).

            On the background of basic therapy with vitamins B2, folic acid and microelement Se, that resulted in intracardial haemodinamic correlation, nearly in all patients were treated with 250 ml of 20% Solcoseril solution 4-8 for 4 days. Following regimen was used: 1st infusion - 4 for 4 days, followed by 2-days interval. During this period general condition and clinical/laboratory indices and erythrocyte ζ-potential were evaluated. After 6-mnth supportive therapy with 200 mg/3 times a day of Solcoseril-dragee used in DCM patients from Gr 1 and 2, both clinical and clinico/laboratory indices were stabilized, EF significantly improved (mean index 0,31-0,39 for Gr.1; and 0,24-0,31 for Gr.2) and percentage of arythrocyte (normocyte) content in venous blood increased at the expense of the drop in echinocytes and spherocytes (7 and 9, Gr.1; 6 and 4, Gr.2). Significant decrease in complications and improvement of quality of life  registered.

            The results of the 2-yr observation of the mentioned above population, confirm that IV infusion of 20% solution of Solcoseril used together with the basic therapy and untravenous helium-neon laser treatment in patients with cardio- and hepatotropic viral infections is pathogenically justified and clinically efficient;  and that combination therapy results in the correlation of the plastic, energy, neuromediator, microelement and electrolyte metabolism, thus improving myocardial contraction and stabilising the quality of life of the patients.
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