
Some peculiarities of the Course and Management of Cardiac Failure in Patients with Thyrotoxicosis

A.Tskhakaia, V. Volobuev, G. Lomtatidze, M. Moniava, N. Goguadze
National Center of Therapy


All patients with thyrotoxicosis were examined using Doppler echocardiography to detect interrelationship between heart failure and thyrotoxicosis. The following conclusions were made basing on the data obtained:

1. The patients with thyrotoxicosis alongside with the thythm disturbances as a rule develop heart failure with high indices of ejection fraction, predominantly in the form of diastolic dysfunction; in case of the long history of thyrotoxicosis the patients can develop congestive heart failure with decrease of ejection fraction indices;

2. Beta-adrenoblockers significantly improve general state of the patients with thyrotoxicosis complicated with congestive heart failure and decreased indices of ejection fraction. They result in increase of the ejection fraction indices and decrease the degree of congestive events.

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