
Viral Myocarditis and Dilated Cardiomyopathy - Experimental and Clinical Aspects

N. Kirshidze, M. Gudushauri, N. Barnabishvili О.
National Center of Therapy,
National Center of Disease Control

A causal link between viral myocarditis (VM) and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) has become more evident. 90 patients were closely monitored, presence of cardiotropic viruses (Coxsackie A and B, Adenovirus, Influenza A and B, Herpes and CMV) infections were studied serologically, using immunoensyme methods. 54 patients of both groups had positive results. Antibodies to a single virus were revealed in 50% of cases, to two viruses  - in 26% and to three and more viruses – in 24% of cases. Results of this study shows that most prevalent cause of VM is Coxsackie virus type B alone and in combinations with other viruses.  The second prevalent causes are Adenovirus and Influenza A viruses. From 54 serologically positive patients in 24 cases (44,45%) disease was started by clinical manifestation of VM. Severe and acute course of illness in these 24 patients determined acute heart dilatation with increasing heart failure and decrease of EF, that improves diagnoses of DCM. 
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