
The indications for realization of laparaskopilc cholecystectomy and
feature of operative engineering

M. Kiladze G. Pipia D. Abuladze E. Pipia
Thoraco-abdominal Clinic of Tbilisi Clinikal Hospital 1.
(cheirman -  professor G.Pipia)


In 1998 the methodology of laparascopik surgical intervention was implementid by Acad.Z.Tskhakaia in the practice of thoraco-abdominal clinic of Tbilisi clinical Hospital  #1. 544 laparascopic intervention of 12 types heve careied out up to now and 90do of them are choiecycysomies.

The work discusses the advanteges of laparascopic cholecistectomy in comperison to the tradisional metod and presents its indications and contrication. Some methods (French and American) and the technical and tactic aspects of the intervention intraoperational cholangiography while cholesystectomy are described.

Taking into considerations: all these aspects the intervention becomes and more affective.

Using this method the average length of stay of the pations significcntly reduced and its rate for 489 pationts made up 1-1.5 dey. Conversion to the open method took place only in 3 cases (0.6od). These cases as followas: gallbladder cancer, fistula of gell bladder duodonum and congenital hipopiasial deterioration of hepaticus

Obteined resuits demostrate the advantigies of a given method in comperison to the traditional intervention in cases when we have approriate indications and the intervention is carried out by a skilled surgeon.

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