
Clinical-morphological Pictures Cardial Dysfunction in Patients with Cronic Hepatitis

L.L. Chigladze
National center of Theraphy


The paper presents an examination of viral myocarditis, cardiomyopathy and chronic viral B and/or C hepatitis of 153 patients aged one month - 67 years with chronic hepato, cardial and cerebral discirculation.

Thirty one patients were supervised at our hospital/ We have studied electrocardiographicaly and echocardiographicaly all the patients. The following results were obtained: in 3 cases dilated cardiomyopathy and 12 cases viral myocarditis with chronic viral hepatitis were present. In  5 cases viral myocarditis with such viruses as Coxcackie, Influenza and Adenovirus was observed. 7 patients had viral myocarditis and 4 _- DCM with mixed-infection. Echocardiography showed the inflement changes in the hearts of patients with chronic hepatitis and mixed infection.

Fifteen patients out of the 75 retrospectively studed cases, had episodes of heart palpation, 22 had respiratory disorders, 22-fatigue and 17-dispnea of the light phisical activity 21 had stabling chest pain and 7-aberent rhitms with single extrasystoles. Thus, factors that caused sumptoms of cardial disorders, were not uncovered.

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the morphological changes the liver, heart and brain of 47 patients with viral B hepatitis the Patients age ranged from 1 month to 64 years. Patomorphologicaly they have oedema and cytolisis of the liver, heart and brain. Therefore we find to perform echocardiographical examination of the patients with hepatitis card B. It will allow us to timely diagnose cardiotropic disorders, particularly myopericarditis prescribe the adequate treatment and thus avoid development of myocardial cardiomyopathy. Studies and evaluation of such mixed infections and their combinations are the relatively new aspect of modern medicine.


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