
The Role of Integral Ultrasound and  Doplerographie Investigations in Differential  Diagnosing of  Mass Formations in the Urinary and  Hepato-biliar System

Kh. Didebeli, M. Gelashvili, D. Lortkipanidze, I.  Kupunia
Tbilisi Ultrasonography  Research-training Center ( Acad. D. Tatishvili)
Tbilisi High medical school “Tbilisi” Rector Acad. Nodar Bakradze.


In spite of the fact that ultrasound examination is of great significance in investigation of internal organs in 10-15% of cases of topical diagnosing of internal organs pathologies there exist such type of formations, which need stronger ultrasound investigation integrated with doplerography method.

The study analysis cases of new formation in urinary and hepatobiliar systems and only unusual integrated ultrasound and doplerography investigation gave us possibility to reveal precise diagnosis.

The materials are obtained at ultrasonography center. Ultrasound equipment “SIEMENS SONOLINE ELEGRA” was used in the study .

1. The analysis shaved that it is necessary to carry out integrated ultrasound and doplerography investigations in order to avoid medical mistakes while existence of new formations in urinary and  hepato-biliary systems.

2. The results of the study carried out by the ultrasonography center showed, that the rate of medical mistakes in case of using only ultrasound investigations, makes up 15%, beet these mistakes are easily corrected by applying additional doplerography method.

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