
New Theoretical Preconditions and Apporoaches in Treatment of
 Chronic Cardiac Failure

N. Bakradze, M. Gelashvili, Kh. Didebeli, E. Tsatsanashvili, M. Mangoshvili,
G. Sandukhadze, Kh.
Dzmanashvili, E. Dalakishvili, N. Shubitidze,
I. Kufunia, D. Kochlamazashvili

Chair of Internal Medicine and General Residenture of High Medical School “TBILISI”
(Chairman Academician Nodar Bakradze)


During the last decade the principles of treatment of the chronic cardiac failure, have been changed according to the newest theoretical preconditions.

Medical preparations of a new group and new generation have occurred. The approaches to their prescribing practice have been significantly changed. Their selection is based on the evidence-based medicine, therapy is oriented not only on the heightening of cardiac contractility, but also on the long-term results, such as improvement of the quality of the patients’ lives and increasing of expected living years.

All above mentioned requires from doctors acquiring of deep, modern theoretical knowledge and using of the newest information in practice.

The goal of given work is sharing of our viewpoints, about the schemes and conceptual approaches prevating in the tactics and strategies of the treatment of chronic cardiac failure elaborated by comparing of the data existing in the modern medical literature and our experience, to practicing physicians.

The work based on the results of the treatment rendered to 55-90 years old 242, 167 males and 75 females patients with chronic cardiac failure of different severity developed due to serious cardiac diseases at Tbilisi Clinical Training Hospital for the II World War Veterans in the period of 1992-2002. According to the classification developed by New York Cardiologists Association, 65 patients suffered from chronic cardiac failure of I-II (class), 132 of III class and 45 of IV class.

In 155 cases chronic cardiac failure was caused by chronic ischemic heart disease.

The patients underwent long-term (3-6, and in many cases 9-12 months) combined therapy with inhibitors and beta-blokers of different generations of angiotensin transforming enzymes and diuretics. In cases of insufficient effectiveness in addition glycosides, peripheral vasodilators and aldosteron antagonists were prescribed.


1.      According to the present conceptual model of chronic cardiac failure its treatment should be combined and long-term. Medications should administered in reduced dozes (half or less).

2.      The strategy and tactics of the treatment of chronic cardiac failure should be elaborated by taking into consideration ethiotropic and pathogenesis mechanisms, parameters of  intracardiac and extracardiac hemodynamics, dynamic analysis and assessment of indicators of neuro-endocrine,  electrolytic and fluid-electrolyte balance.

3.       The treatment of chronic cardiac failure can be considered successful in case if, in parallel to the correlation of heart contractility and heart failure, the improvement of the quality of life and prolonging of the average length of life are achieved.

4.       During the recent decade correction of chronic cardiac failure has been significantly improved on the background of discovering of new mechanisms in its pathogenesis. This conclusion clearly denotes to the existence of big reserves of intracardial and extracaradiac mechanisms. It creates future prospective in rationalized treatment of chronic cardiac failure.



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