
The Influence of Acuuncture on Cell and Humoral Immunity in Childrens
with Virusological Myocardit

Ts. Gugutishvili, M. Ukleba
Institute of Pediatrics, Tbilisi


The acupuncture China method was conducted in 60 children with virusological myocardits. The investigation of cell and humoral immunity showed the lowering of cell and humoral immunity before and after treatment.

Sharp improvement of clinical symptomatic among those patients whom were conducted the acupuncture relatively to control group, convinced us that the acupuncture which was used by us as quantitatively as duration is not enough for restoration of abolised immunity.

The aim of the work is to establish Reflexotherapeutic affect and some of its mechanisms in children on basic therapy of myocardits. 4-14 year old 68 children have been investigated, among them 19  were only under basic therapy and 49 - on reflexotherapy together with the basic one .

 Traditional (eastern) method of reflexotherapy was used on micro sir dilation and immunity improving points. The effect was established byestimation of rutinal clinical and paraclinical indices.

Dynamic observation has revealed improvement of changed vegetative status in shorter period of time in comparison with the first group (release of subjective complains, improvement of common state, decline of excitation, sleep regulation, positive changes for the better on ECG and FCG). Before treatment in both groups there was revealed deviation in humoral of immune status (lowering of B_lymphocytes, increase of IgA, IgM and circulatory im mune complexes) as well as in cellular (lowering of T_lymphocyies and Ts) rings. Reflexotherapy helps lowering of Ts effect and earlier onset of e limination process of circulatory immune complexes. Thus, under the influence of rexlexotherapy there is improvement of immune in shorter period of time than it takes place only in the result of basic therapy. Reflexotherapy is a simple, available, economically, cheap method without medicine, which maybe used in the basic therapy complex of myocardits as helpful, effective means for optimization of immunity and vegetative status.


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