
The First Results of the Use of Liprimar for Correction of  Hyperlipidaemia  in  the  Secondary    Coronary  Prevention

G. Chapidze,  S. Kapanadze,  N. Dolidze, N. Salukvadze ,
I. Petriashvili  M.Tsagareli,  D. Lomtadze
Emergency Cardiology Center


To evaluate   lipid lowering effect of short term treatment with liprimar  (Atorvastatin, Pfizer)  59  post interventional  (angiography, PTCA,  CABG) patients  were  examined.  Eligible patients were counseled to follow a standard lipid lowering diet  (NCEP step 1 Diet).  Twenty-nine patients were randomly assigned to receive Liprimar 10mg/daily.  Intended follow-up was a month.  As one of the first goal of treatment in the secondary coronary prevention is the reduction of LDL-C, the main criteria to enroll patients in the present trial was baseline levels of LDL-C >100mg/dl.  According to our investigation atorvastatin reduced total-C, LDL-C, TG, beta and pre-beta lipoproteins and  atherogenic   ratio  (Total-C-HDL-C/HDL-C)by  21%, 26%, 14%, 20%and  23%  respectively.  HDL-C levels increased by only 3%.  By Liprimar the reduction of LDL-C less than 100mg/dl (target level) was achieved in 62% cases.  In a diet group there were no significant changes in lipid profile.  During the experienced period none of the serious adverse reactions of statins were noticed.  In conclusion, the results of this trial indicate that in patients who had undergone   angiography ,   PTCA  and   CABG  short term treatment  with  10mg/d  of  liprimar  is  beneficial  for  the  correction  of  hyperlipidaemia  (particularly  in  relation  to  LDL-C  levels).

Consequently, as other HMF-coA  reductase  inhibitors  liprimar may  be    considered  as  one  of  the first  line  agents  in  the  secondary coronary  prevention.


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